EKF Breeding Strategy

Provision (1): Introduction
The goal in dog breeding is functionally healthy dogs with a construction and mentality
typical to the breed, dogs that can live a long and happy life for the benefit and pleasure of
the owner and the society as well as the dog itself. Breeding should be carried out in such
a manner that it promotes the health and well-being of the progeny, as well as the welfare
of the bitch. Knowledge, honesty and cooperation, both on national and international level,
is basic in healthy dog breeding. Breeders should be encouraged to emphasize the
importance of the combination of dogs as well as selection of the individual dog to be used
for breeding.
The EKF plans to conduct education programs for breeders, preferably on an annual basis.
Education of breeders is to be recommended rather than strict breeding regulations and
stringent demands in breeding programs, which can easily result in reduced genetic
diversity in the breed as well as exclusion of excellent breed representatives and reduced
cooperation with conscientious breeders. Breeders and later with breed clubs should be
encouraged to cooperate with scientists in genetic health issues, to prevent combination of
dogs from lines that will result in unhealthy offspring.
Any dog used for breeding or screened for inherited diseases, must have identification
The breeders should keep the breed standard as the guideline for the breed specific features;
any exaggerations should be avoided.
EKF is raising the slogan of “Responsible Breeding” since EKF sees that it’s so important
that breeders must breed based on a purpose and qualified mates in order to bring exactly
the desired progenies which are able to live and enjoy their lives healthy clear from any
genetic problems or disabilities and be able to do their tasks which they have been created
Provision (2):
Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation, should
be used for breeding; i.e. to only use dogs that do not suffer from any serious disease or
functional disabilities.
2.1 If close relatives of a dog suffering from an inherited disease or functional disability
are used for breeding, they should only be mated to dogs from bloodlines with low or no
occurrence of the same disease or disabilities. If a DNA-test for the disease/functional
disability is available, the breeding stock should be tested in order to avoid mating of two
carriers (see point 5).
2.2 Mating combinations which from available information increase the risk of serious
diseases or functional disabilities or impairment in the progeny, should be avoided.
2.3 Only dogs having a sound temperament, typical for the breed, should be used for
breeding. That is to only use dogs that do not show signs of behavioral disturbance in the
3 EKF Breeding Strategy
form of excessive fear reactions or aggressive behavior in unprovoked situations or
situations that can be considered as everyday situations for the dog.
Provision (3):
To preserve, or preferably extend, the genetic diversity of the breed, heavy inbreeding
should be avoided. Mating between siblings, mother to son or father to daughter should
never be performed.
Provision (4):
Screening results (positive or negative) for phenotypic appearance of polygenetic diseases
should be available in open registries. The results should be used to aid the selection and
combination of breeding dogs.
4.1 Breeding values based on screening results should be computerized when it’s possible
to facilitate selection of the breeding stock not only on the phenotypic appearance but also
by indicated genotype. As a general rule the estimated breeding value for a combination
should be better than the average for the breed.
4.2 Screening should only be recommended for diseases and breeds where the disease has
major impact on the dogs’ functional health.
Provision (5):
Results from DNA tests for inherited diseases should be used to avoid breeding diseased
dogs, not necessarily to eradicate the disease. Dogs shown to be carriers (heterozygote)
for a recessive inherited disease should only be bred to a dog that is proven not to carry the
allele for the same disease.
Provision (6):
Any dog should be able to mate naturally. Artificial insemination should not be used to
overcome physical inabilities of the dog. A bitch should be excluded from further breeding
if she is unable to give natural birth, due to anatomy or inherited inertia, or if she is
unable to take care of the newborn puppies, due to mentality or inherited to agalactia (no
milk production).
Provision (7):
Health issues that cannot be diagnosed by DNA-tests or screening programs should
have equal impact in the breed specific breeding programs.
4 EKF Breeding Strategy
Provision (8):
As a general rule, a breeding program should not be run on the whole dogs; the breeding
stock should be selected from the best half of the breed population.
Provision (9):
As a general rule, in order to raise the slope of breeding, the matting happens between
male who has the marks (Excellent), female with marks (Excellent, Very good) not less.
Provision (10):
The raising of puppies, with correct feeding, environmental exposure, stimulation by their
mother, breeder and others to develop social sense and response, must be basic in every
Provision (11):
Breeder is fully responsible to make sure of having all his puppies at his household litters
microchipped before leaving his patronage.